This publication is a reprint of the original The Pandhandler’s Handbook, which was published by Kensington Publishing Cooperation in 1977.
Omar Rockford, founder of Omar’s School for Beggars, teaches out-of-work men and women how to creatively panhandle for a living. Successful, high-income begging on the streets requires imaginative deception. Omar demonstrates hundreds of foolproof methods in this handbook. You’ve got to have a glib tongue, a sense of urgency and a believable story—also proper dress and courtesy are a must. The first few weeks can be rough, since one isn’t easily adjusted to the embarrassment of being turned down. It takes about a month to become a real pro and practice does make perfect. With this practical guide, you’ll never need to work a real job again.
TITLE: The Panhandler’s Handbook
AUTHOR: Omar the Beggar
PUBLICATION DATE: 2009 (reprint)
PAGES: 176
DIMENSIONS: 10.5 x 17.5 cm
ISBN: 978-94-90629-05-2