Kunstverein Kunstverein Kunstverein
Kv 10 yrs

To me, Kunstverein Amsterdam has always behaved like a basement. It has show basement works by basement artists. When it shows non-basement work by non-basement artists it does so in a basement way. To talk about it, you have to use basement words.
—Anthony Huberman

This extensive anthology looks back at the past decade of Kunstverein’s activity, from 2009 to 2019. It features text contributions by Yana Foqué, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Anthony Huberman and Maxine Kopsa and is filled with ephemera, bulletins and—for the first time ever in our short history—images. LOTS! OF! IMAGES!

TITLE: Kv 10 yrs
EDITED BY: Yana Foqué, Marc Hollenstein, Maxine Kopsa
DESIGNED BY: Marc Hollenstein
PAGES: 310
DIMENSIONS: 21 x 30 cm
ISBN: 9789490629229

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